Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fun in the sun!

We recently got a sandbox, so we have been having tons of sand fun. We go from sand to water to bubbles to swing set...and then back again! It's been a very good start to the summer!

Flowers around the house

It's that time again for the flowers to be blooming! This last weekend, I was able to get my buckets planted. I think they turned out pretty nice. Here are a few shots.

More Caroline shots

New pictures of Caroline


Swing Set Action Shots

Here are some more pics of Charlie and his new swing set!

Swing Set

Here are some shots of our "new" swingset. We have already spent many hours playing and having fun! Charlie loves it and so does Caroline. She seems to really like her swing.

Trip to the Zoo

We had the best time at the Zoo recently. Charlie especially loved the Tiger. He was pacing back and forth along the window...It was a sight to see. Of course, we always have to go for a ride on the Carousel.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Charlie and his little sister

Here's Charlie with his little sister!
He loves her so much!

Jay's 30th birthday party!

We had a good time at Jay's birthday party. Charlie loved playing with the girls! He had a good time swinging at the pinnata as well...he scored a bunch of toys and treats after it was finally broken open! :) Caroline loved snuggling with Linda!

More new photos!

Here are some more pictures of our little one! I got a corner of a smile...it's tough to get her to smile let alone get a picture of it! I'm working on getting a better one.
