Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Caroline's first birthday!

Ok, I'm so sorry I have pretty much missed a whole year of our kids lives....but that's my life I guess! I'm back. Caroline's birthday was awesome. She dug into her cake and made a good show. I was overwhelmed with emotion with all our family there and my baby turing one! She has officially started walking...I would say at 13 months exactly. It's fun to watch her gain more confidence everyday. Charlie is doing great. He had a growth spurt this winter and he looks so much older than the previous pictures. I will get some on here of him. His language skills have dramatically improved and we have been playing outside every chance we get. He's been doing great on his "tiger" bike(two wheel with training wheels). Last summer he couldn't make it through a whole walk on it, now he can go and go. :) Caroline is working on her 4 top teeth(YUCK!!) She only has two teeth, so we have been waiting for the others to follow. I will post more picture soon.